6 - Pin Weather Pack - Injectors, Coolant Temp
Pin Function Wire Color Haltech Location Haltech Color
A Coolant Sensor Ground BRN J12 - Coolant Sensor; Pin A BLK
B Coolant Sensor Signal GRN/WHT J12 - Coolant Sensor; Pin B VIO
C Injector Power PNK J13 - Injector Harness; Pin C RED
D Injectors #1, 3 and 4 GRN/BLK,PNK/BLK, Lt. BLU/BLK J13 - Injector Harness; Pin E L. BLU
E Injectors #2, 5 and 6 BLK,YEL/BLK,BLK/WHT J13 - Injector Harness; Pin F BLU/RED
F Not Used N/A N/A N/A